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  • Cesarean Section: Update 16 March 2025 World School of Perinatal Medicine
    While C-sections can be lifesaving, it is best when performed for medical necessity rather than convenience. Proper prenatal care and informed decision-making can help balance the risks and benefits. Unnecessary C-sections may contribute to rising global rates, straining medical resources. It creates some problems such as breathing problems with increased risk of transient tachypnea (fast breathing) at birth, lower gut microbiome diversity which may affect immunity and digestion due to lack of exposure to beneficial vaginal bacteria, possible NICU Admission. Also increased risk of placenta previa or uterine rupture, scar tissue may cause pain or bowel obstruction and higher risk of rupture if attempting a vaginal birth in subsequent pregnancies.
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  • Preterm Labor: Perinatal Care 17 January 2025 World School of Perinatal Medicine
    Preterm labor is one of the most common reasons for prenatal admission to hospital, accounting for up to one third of such cases in some reports. However, the diagnosis of true preterm labor remains unreliable, resulting in significant over-treatment, since fewer than 10% of these women will eventually deliver within 1 week or before 35 weeks, irrespective of treatment.
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  • Postpartum Haemorrhage 26 October 2024 World School of Perinatal Medicine
    Postpartum hemorrhage is the main cause of maternal death, and the majority of these deaths occur in settings with limited resources where the priority are simple and early interventions since late procedures such as correction of coagulopathy and surgical or endovascular interventions may not be available.
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  • Fetal Heart Examination - Diagnosis and Management 21 September 2024 World School of Perinatal Medicine
    The prevalence of major congenital heart diseases is 4 1000 live births, and they are one of the most important reasons of neonatal mortality and morbidity. The fetal diagnosis of cardiac anomalies is very important in the follow-up and management of both fetus and newborn, it enables to intervene in the cases properly and on time and provides a significant contribution to the prognosis

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  • Fetal Brain: Suspected Findings 14-15 June 2024 World School of Perinatal Medicine
    The Guideline which is the topic of this course follows the mission of the World Association of Perinatal Medicine, in collaboration with the Perinatal Medicine Foundation, which brings together groups and individuals worldwide, with the aim to improve prenatal detection of Central Nervous System anomalies and the appropriate referral of pregnancies with suspected fetal anomalies. In addition, this document provides further guidance for healthcare practitioners with the goal of standardizing the description of ultrasonographic abnormal findings.
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  • Perinatal Medicine 2024-05-23/25 Perinatal Medicine Foundation
    The Perinatal Medicine Foundation is a registered non-profit organization that aims to improve the health of pregnant women and their babies through research and training in perinatal medicine.
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